Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I sent out two emails to two NPO's. They are Animal rescue groups. I contacted them back in September. Since then there have been changes with MPM. One in which the WCM is free to NPO's!
These two have been waiting on their non-profit to be approved. One has, the other I'm not sure of yet. I'm hoping to talk to them in person or even over the phone would be nice.
I was on a call the other night. I know Jacki said churches are considered non profit and do not have to have the 501 C 3. But what I can't remember is did she say schools also are considered non profit?

Hopefully I will hear something today from one of the animal rescue groups today when I return home from work. That would make my day!
I also want to learn how to post different pictures on my blog. I want to use it to it's full potential, like advertising my Mall. I'm sure I will be able to figure it out, but if anyone has easy to follow directions, I would greatly appreciate it.

Will keep everone posted.

1 comment:

Big Z and his Mom said...

Hi Joanne,

You heard right from Jacki on the call. I wrote down: Churches and schools may not have a 501c3 designation in place. They may still sign up as a World Changer.

Good job on your letters to your own NPO's.

Posting pix is fairly easy. Navigate the top of your blog dashboard and explore all those tabs. Each one has something different to play around with and learn about. Blogger has specific instructions on how to do a lot.