Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday,Jan 27,2009

I know it's been a while since I've last blogged.
I have been having to play catch up on the blogs everyone is writing again! What a WONDERFUL group of people. What a WONDERFUL company and Founder & CEO !!

I must admit I have been so filled with pride as I watch my son, Ed flourish! I am very proud of everyone in the Camp also, but hey, I'm a Mom first.
I am very thankful to Ginny and Jacki for giving him this opportunity to learn, stretch and grow.

I know he will continue to soar with wings of eagles even when camp is over.
I am thrilled with the "friends" that have come along side of him and have been cheering him on.

Reading the blogs again have encouraged me to get back out there and talk to people myself. Which I do everyday at work, but more so. I sense the excitement and sometimes discouragements in them, but no one lets the latter get to them. They keep pushing on.
Please know, you all are being "cheered on" from the outside....looking in!
I am proud of all of you. I look forward to reading more success stories. Even when you don't get all your contacts, your still a success.

what makes a person a success?
achieving, gaining, prospering, attaining, accomplishing, progressing, advancing, triumphing and finishing.

Please pray for Ed regarding this Radio competition. I have always believed he had a future in radio. Just listening to him when we get together as a family and he plays around with it, he cracks us up!!
Ed has an uncle who is with a different Christian radio station. So it runs in the family...ha.ha.
Seriously, I always thought it would be cool to have "Brooks & Brooks, Morning Team. In case anyone listens to Family Life Radio, Peter Brooks is Ed's uncle. He's on very early in the morning.
Well, the time has come for me to get ready for work. While it will be nice when I am financially secure due to MPM, I've often thought that I would still continue working or at least volunteering. I work with mentally and physically disabled people. I can't imagine not doing this.

Until next time, keep on keeping on....


bestblinddate said...

My thoughts and prayers are with "Brooks and Brooks" Joanne... :-) ... What an awesome Spirit you have. I love that you are working with the children, but even more so that you love doing it. It is people like you that make the world a better place. Luvins, Aletha

Big Z and his Mom said...

Hi Joanne,

So glad to see you back ;-). You are just as much of a success every single day as the Boot Campers . . . And, your definition proves it. Welcome back and enjoy the new flutter of excitement. I feel it too ;-). It's awesome!