Friday, December 26, 2008

Glad it's over

I am very glad Christmas 2008 is past. It had to have been the hardest for me to get through.
I will be glad when things get back to normal, whatever normal is.
I so enjoy reading the blogs of those who continue writing. I realize everyone needed a break for the holidays, but I will be very happy when it starts up again.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and will have a wonderful New Year.
Thank you to those of you still writing.


World Changer Reality Boot Camp said...


If you go to Avon on our mall, type in her name and number, and that's where she would order her products. Also if she signs her customers up as World Changers, they would order from their mall using her name and number, and they also make a commission from buying from their mall and the lady would make commissions on their order through Avon.


World Changer Reality Boot Camp said...

Oh yeah, when you get to the Avonstore, on the top is a place that says, locate your Avon Rep...thats how her customers would order through her, not only will she make commissions from ordering her products but she will earn from her sales, and her customers will earn commissions from ordering on their own mall.

The Greatest Mall on said...

Happy new year!!!! I thought the same when I heard of the break but when I went to TN to visit my sister I was glad for it and now I can work on visiting her whenever I want and not just holidays! See you on the call tomorrow!